too much (Jess Leaning), 2009

too much (Jess Leaning), 2009

Expecting, 2009

Portrait of a Bau Artist (CP), 2008
BAU Movement is a tongue-in-cheek play on the Bau Haus. The term "BAU" can be read as Business as Usual, and can also be read as work or building. Art. New. Personal. Progressive. Dirty. Lovely. Textual. Sexual. Any form. Any way. Push the message. Start a sentence. We are working with images and text (often stencils but not exclusively) to bridge poetry, propaganda, graffiti, some pop elements, and whatever else strikes us as urgent or cool.
Freaking colours are awesome. I really like this thing we are doing. I mean gosh... how cool is all this artwork? Hot dang.